2025 Smith Publicity Book Marketing Scholarship Information

Now in our 13th year!

Qualifications:Applicants for the Smith Publicity Book Marketing Scholarship–a $2500 prize–must be a high school senior or undergraduate student active in 2025-2026 academic year in a United States based university/college.

To apply: Write a persuasive essay between 1,000-1,500 words in response to the prompt: “What media outlet, influencer, social media personality, or blog do you turn to for book recommendations? Why? What makes them your go to resource?*

  • Include a cover page with name, school, graduating year, book title, and book publication year
  • All essays must be submitted as either a Word document or PDF
  • Apply through the following form.
  • Deadline: June 1, 2025
  • The winner will be notified July 1, 2025 and announced August 1, 2025

*Essays will be submitted to an AI checker and any found to be written with the help of AI will be immediately disqualified.

Scholarship will be awarded directly to the university or college once attendance is confirmed.

Smith Publicity:
Book Marketing Leaders

The annual book marketing scholarship is part of our service to the industry, as well as students we hope discover the rewarding and interesting fields of book marketing and publishing, and the power of persuasive writing for careers and life.  We provide book PR and marketing insight through a unique webinar series that’s available to attend free of charge. Our website and blog have extensive information about how to successfully promote books in every genre. We work with many major publishers, small presses, and hybrid publishers, as well the highest quality self-published books. Smith Publicity pioneered many innovative and revolutionary book publicity strategies widely used today.  Our experienced team of publicists also have expertise in author branding, personality cultivation, social media management, and many other services allied to book promotion.