8 Proven Methods to Market Your Business Book

Today, there are approximately 2,536,993 business books listed on Amazon.com. And thousands of more business books are published each year. So, with all the business books out there, how can yours stand up to the competition? The answer lies in the right book marketing techniques. Most business authors publish books to establish themselves as an […]

eBook Pricing Strategies for Self-Published Authors

By Chris Robley, editor of The BookBaby Blog One of the most common questions we hear at BookBaby is “how much should I charge for my eBook?” Like most good questions, this one doesn’t have a simple answer. In fact, we usually have to ask the author a few questions ourselves: What is your goal […]

How to Get Reviewed in Publishers Weekly | Tips for Indie Authors

4 Tips for indie authors to increase chances for a review By Carl Pritzkat is vice president of business development for PWxyz Important developments at Publishers Weekly (PW) have made it easier than ever to submit your book for review consideration. We’ve made big changes at PW in the last few weeks to make it […]

Use Goodreads Author Program as a Book Marketing Tool

What Is the Goodreads Author Program? The Goodreads Author Program is a completely free feature designed to help authors reach their target audience—passionate readers. This is the perfect place for new and established authors to promote their books. What Can You Do as a Goodreads Author? Take Control of Your Profile Make your profile a […]

Determining the Retail Price for a Printed Book

At Dog Ear Publishing, determining the retail price of a book is a routine task. There are various factors we consider when advising authors on setting a retail price. First, what type of genre does your book fall into—non-fiction, fiction, children’s, juvenile, self-help or something else? Some genres allow for higher retail prices or have […]

Becoming a TED/TEDx Talk Presenter: Tips for Authors and Experts to Secure Speaking Opportunities with TEDx

One of our long-term clients is a highly successful business professional and author. She was the COO of a Fortune 200 company and now sits on the boards of several organizations including one of the world’s leading telecommunications companies. Over the course of her book publicity campaign with us, we’ve secured a number of high […]

Cover Your Back: Writing the Blurb by Dave Bricker

After writing a book, many authors are surprised by how hard it is to create a few engaging paragraphs for the “blurb” on the back cover. In traditional bookstores, the book’s cover attracts readers. Inspired by the back cover blurb, they thumb through a few pages and hopefully buy the book. But the majority of […]

Cover Your Back: Back Cover Blurbs

Back Cover Blurbs Can Help Sell Books The space on the back cover of a book for blurbs, which are brief promotional paragraphs, is one of the more valuable spots for book promotion. This article has helpful approaches to writing back cover blurbs. After writing and polishing an entire book, many authors are surprised when […]

How an Editor Will Make You a Better Writer

Everyone knows what editors do…or do they? Most authors understand that editors find mistakes in a manuscript, but a good editor does a lot more than that! No matter how much a manuscript has been edited by the author or how flawless the author thinks the manuscript is, working with an editor is always worthwhile. […]

Frequently Asked Questions About Book Publicity

Answers to some commonly asked questions about book publicity from the pros at Smith Publicity. We’re one of the leading book marketing firms in the world today. We provide a range of publicity and PR services to authors and publishers. Part of our online service to authors includes free basic information about book marketing and […]