What Publishers Want to Know About Your Book

By Greenleaf Book Group Publishing is a business. In order for publishers (and authors) to make money, they need to sell books. So, when publishers look at a project they ask themselves: What is the market for this? Who would be interested? How many people comprise that segment of the population? How often do they buy […]

5 Questions with Kirkus Editor Karen Schechner

Karen Schechner is the senior Indie editor at Kirkus Reviews. Kirkus Indie curates self-published titles to help consumers and industry influencers—publishers, agents, film producers, librarians, booksellers—discover books they may otherwise never find. Prior to Kirkus, Karen was the senior editor at the American Booksellers Association, where she worked with indie booksellers for nearly a decade. […]

5 Questions with Literary Agent Eric Smith

Eric Smith is an associate literary agent at P.S. Literary, with love for young adult books, sci-fi, fantasy, and literary fiction. He began his publishing career at Quirk Books in Philadelphia, working social media and book marketing on numerous novels he absolutely adored. Eric completed his BA in English at Kean University and his MA […]

A Robust Narrative of Game-Changing Crickets: Overused Words and Phrases

Book PR Campaigns Benefit from Well-Chosen Words By Dan Smith, Founder We’re prone to using some words too often in book publicity and marketing, and it’s that simple. In press releases, pitches, and phone calls, book publicists sometimes operate like walking clichés. We just can’t help it. I’ve gotten to the point where I cringe […]

4 Tips on Excerpting Book Reviews

By Erin Entrada Kelly, Book Publicist – Smith Publicity Reviews are a fantastic book publicity tool to lend credibility to your work. You can use them on your website, share them through social media, put them on your book cover. Praise has far more validity when someone else is tooting the horn for you. That […]

5 Questions with Editor Mary Kole

Mary Kole worked as a literary agent for Andrea Brown Literary Agency in California and as senior literary manager for Movable Type in New York before leaving agenting behind to become a full-time book editor. She has an MFA in creative writing from the University of San Francisco and has worked with authors at all […]

How to Hold a Social Media Contest

Can a Social Media Contest Market Your Book? Yes, running a social media contest can be an excellent addition to a book marketing campaign.  It can help you expand your audience, engage with readers (and could-be-readers), and get your name and brand featured more prominently online. If you know the proper steps to take to […]

Book Wholesalers and Distributors: What’s the Difference?

Provided by Greenleaf Book Group What’s the difference between book wholesalers and distributors?  Wherever you are in the process of writing or publishing your book, you’ve probably wondered at some point how you’re going to get it out to all of your loyal fans. You might also have asked yourself: Once I’ve published my book, […]

Merchandising Ideas for Authors and Their Books

How Merchandise Can Help Promote Your Book Merchandising gives readers an additional way to connect and to a book and author. It is a book and author marketing tactic that works exceptionally well for fiction writers and can apply to other genres as well. Selling merchandise can also be an effective way to market your […]

How to Use Video to Build Your Author Platform

By Kathy Berardi, Video Producer, Red Clip Video As an author or sought-after consultant, you’ve likely considered adding video into your marketing mix. Not only can it elevate your brand’s visibility, it can also have a high return on investment (ROI). Consider these statistics: 70 percent of marketing professionals report that video converts better than […]