Write Great Subtitles to Boost Book Promotion

Why Writing Book Subtitles Can Help Book Promotion Subtitles beneath your book title can improve sales. Subtitles are essential to book promotion for nonfiction books. Therefore, it’s vital to write them well. Before we get into tips for writing subtitles, it’s important to note that many authors agonize over main titles for their books. Some […]

The Pros and Cons of Self-Publishing a Book

Self-Published Books: Perspective from Smith Publicity Many authors today are weighing the pros and cons of self-publishing a book. At Smith Publicity, we work with traditional publishers and self-published authors, so we’re in a unique position to view both sides. There is no doubt that book publishing has seen many changes during the past ten […]

12 Radio and TV Interview Tips for Authors

Quality author radio and TV interviews can significantly boost a book marketing campaign. When it comes to how to market a book effectively, connecting with an audience of listeners or viewers can be a significant asset. Professional book marketers like the experts at Smith Publicity develop broadcast interview opportunities for authors. But final success depends […]

Tips About Book Subtitles: How to Write Better Ones

How to Write Effective Book Subtitles Well-written subtitles are one of the most potent elements in book marketing. If you’re an author looking for ideas about how to write book subtitles, read on for help from the pros at Smith Publicity. Coming up with the main title of a book can often be agonizing for […]

4 Quick Tips on Finding a Good Book Publicist

Effective book publicists, like the experts on our staff at Smith Publicity, are crucial members of any good book marketing team. While there is a cost to publishers or authors for professional book publicity, most experienced industry pros understand its value. There’s also no doubt that some have taken to cyberspace to write critical articles […]

Book Signing Events and Bookstore Outreach Tips

In-person appearances by authors can be among the essential elements of book marketing. Book signings, especially in your local market, create awareness about your book, let you, as an author, interact with fans, and enhance your book publicity efforts. While stores and publishers can help set up book signing events, authors typically need to take […]

Amazon Book Categories: Tips for Authors

Categorize Your Book on Amazon to Spark Sales Correct Amazon book categorization is essential to your success. At Smith Publicity, we often meet authors who want robust book publicity campaigns, are ready to start but lack information on their Amazon book page. Like it or not, it is the number one online bookseller, by far, […]

Amazon Ebook Marketing Strategies

How to Market eBooks on Amazon Most authors, of course, want to successfully market their eBooks on Amazon and sell a lot of copies. The main difference between selling print and digital copies is that pricing can be a powerful marketing tool with ebooks. Promotional book pricing strategies aren’t new to eBook marketing and Kindle […]

 4 Tips for Marketing Self Published Books

Marketing Essentials for Self-Published Books Marketing for self-published books continues to grow as the number of titles launched each year increases. For example, 2017 was a record year for self-publishing: According to Bowker, the total number of titles published grew from 786,935 to 1,009,188, surpassing the million mark for the first time. Therefore, many authors […]