Smith Publicity 2024 Book Marketing Scholarship Winner

Annual Prize Recognizes Outstanding Persuasive Writing 

Book cover for Cindy L. Otis' True or False: A CIA Analyst's Guide to Spotting Fake News Christina Gogzheyan is a student at Northern Kentucky University studying neuroscience in the Young Scholars Academy.

Christina submitted a highly convincing essay on this year’s topic: “What contemporary book (any genre published between 2014-2024) should be required reading for all high school students? Why? What did you take away from the book, and how did it change the way you see the world?” Christina selected the book True or False: A CIA Analyst’s Guide to Spotting Fake News by Cindy L. Otis for this essay prompt.

Every year, the Smith team enjoys reading all of the Book Marketing Scholarship submissions and selecting a winner. The scholarship is directed towards high school and undergraduate students from around the country, and we enjoy reading every student’s unique opinion on highly debated topics. This year specifically, it was interesting to read about a modern book that resonated with students so considerably that they would recommend it as a required reading. We thank all of the applicants and although many of the submissions were beautifully written and persuasive, Christina’s essay stood out to our judges. We would all like to congratulate Christina on this wonderful achievement.

For years, Smith Publicity has offered a book marketing scholarship opportunity to high school seniors and college undergraduates. Each applicant must write and submit a persuasive essay addressing the year’s prompt, as persuasive writing is very relevant to Smith Publicity’s team of book publicists.

The Smith Publicity team looks forward to reviewing the scholarship submissions each year—and ultimately choosing a winning essay— because we believe wholeheartedly in the persuasive writers of tomorrow.

A Q&A with Our 2024 Scholarship Winner, Christina Gogzheyan

You wrote a beautiful winning essay on the topic of “What contemporary book (any genre published between 2014-2024) should be required reading for all high school students?” What stood out about this topic to you?

I believe that the spread of fake news and the challenge of navigating the mass amount of information we encounter daily is a significant issue for all generations, but especially my generation and younger. We have been immersed in digital technology from an early age, but we have not received the education or tools on how to determine the credibility of the information we interact with. Younger generations also lack life experiences, which adds to the challenge. The discussion about this topic at one of the sessions at the Northern Kentucky Chamber of Commerce Regional Youth Leadership program, in which I participated last year, was eye-opening, and it got me thinking. I wanted to learn more about this topic because the ability to analyze information and determine its credibility is an important life skill in today’s society.

Aside from the book you wrote about for this essay, what is another book you’ve read recently that you’ve enjoyed, and/or a favorite genre you always come back to?

One of my all-time favorite books is Wonder by R.J. Palacio. Although I read it back in fifth grade, its profound impact has stayed with me ever since. I loved the book’s powerful message: the importance of being kind! And I also loved its sense of humor – it had me rolling with laughter! I believe that books capable of leaving such a lasting impression are the most meaningful ones. Even though it targets a younger audience, I think it would resonate with readers of any age.

You are part of the graduating class of 2026 – what do you hope to do after you graduate?

I have been studying neuroscience at the Young Scholars Academy (YSA) at Northern Kentucky University (NKU). My interest in neuroscience was triggered by my grandma’s battle with glioblastoma, a deadly brain cancer. Watching my grandma struggle to walk, speak, and recognize me triggered my desire to study neuroscience in college. Upon my graduation with a bachelor’s degree, I aspire to further my education and pursue a more advanced degree. When I have completed my studies, my goal is to engage in research dedicated to brain cancers, with a particular emphasis on glioblastoma, so that kids like me can have more time with their loved ones.

Besides my professional goals, I also plan to make contributions to the world around me. Giving back to my community has been a core principle in my upbringing. As a child of a Ukrainian immigrant and an Armenian refugee, understanding the hardships my family overcame and witnessing their immigration process has taught me to value the foundation of our country and the importance of contributing to my community. These values show in my volunteer work at school, local organizations, and nonprofits. I plan to continue volunteering, and my education will allow me to make a greater impact in the future. I am committed to making a positive change in neuroscience and beyond!

Scholarship Opportunity to Return Next Year

Those interested in applying for the 2025 scholarship should stay tuned for the official announcement and opening of the application process in early 2025.

More About Smith Publicity—a Book Marketing Leader

Smith Publicity, a book marketing agency that helps authors of all genres market and promote their books through publicity, marketing, social media, and branding. The annual Smith Publicity Book Marketing Scholarship is part of our service to the industry and the people who work in it. We also provide book PR and marketing insight through a unique webinar series that’s available to attend free of charge.

Our website and blog have extensive information about successfully promoting books in every genre. Also, we were early in representing high-quality self-published books and their authors and, through the years, have pioneered many book publicity techniques in broad use today. 

Our experienced team of publicists also has expertise in author branding, personality cultivation, social media management, and many other services allied to book promotion. We encourage you to reach out today if you need professional book marketing services.